Check your email for your Walkabout Pattern pdf file. 
Did you know there is a video class for the pattern? There is!

And you can get it HALF OFF right now! whoop whoop

You've got the pdf, now get the videos that go
along with it!
Walkabout Pattern & Video Class
for only $14.99
No matter which block you are sewing - the video will show you how to put the block together, making it easier to actually finish your quilt for only $14.99! Regular price is $29.00!!

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Walkabout QAL /PDF + VIDEOS$14.99

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Walkabout Pattern PDF

Step by step videos

Tracking sheets for walking and pattern

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  • Total payment
  • 1xWalkabout QAL /PDF + VIDEOS$14.99

All prices in USD


Walkabouts Sewn by Others... aren't they beautiful?!